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Broad Ripple Avenue Improvement Project Awarded the ASCE Indiana 2024 Project of the Year

Congratulations to the Indianapolis Department of Public Works and all involved in the Broad Ripple Avenue Improvement Project – the 2024 Project of the Year Award Winner from the Indiana Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers! BF&S played a crucial role in the project by designing the segment of roadway and trail extending from Compton to Broad Ripple Park, a key component of the comprehensive Lochmueller Group project. The City’s overarching objective along Broad Ripple Avenue was not only to enhance safety but also to foster a more pedestrian- and multi-modal-friendly environment throughout the study corridor. This included improving trail access to nearby facilities while ensuring smooth traffic flow. The collaboration with the Broad Ripple Village Association has been instrumental in achieving these goals, their ongoing efforts contributing significantly to making Broad Ripple a safer and more inviting neighborhood for pedestrians and residents alike.